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In Times of Trouble, Do Not Fear

“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” ~ John 14:27

With all of the uncertainty and anxiety in our world right now, it’s natural to fall into fear. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are reminded of the powerful message delivered by the angels: "Do not be afraid." This divine reassurance is not just a comforting sentiment but a call to action, urging us to rise above our fears and to live out our faith with courage and love.

Look Up, Not Down

It's easy to get lost in the endless cycle of negative news and social media, otherwise known as doom scrolling. But as believers, we are called to look up, not down. We are encouraged to lift our eyes to the heavens, to seek God’s guidance and to trust in His plan. By focusing on the eternal rather than the ephemeral, we can find peace and perspective.

Love Drives Out Fear

The Bible provides a clear antidote to fear: love. 1 John 4:18 tells us, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear." This perfect love is manifested in our love for our neighbors. When we love others as Christ loved us, we create a ripple effect of compassion and kindness that dispels fear and fosters a sense of community and support.

A Call to Action

We invite you to join believers around the country in making a tangible commitment to live out this message of love and fearlessness. This week, pledge to volunteer your time, lend a helping hand, or support someone in need. Let’s transform our faith into action and show the world the power of love over fear.

Our Pledge

I pledge to rise above fear and negativity by looking up and seeking God’s guidance. I commit to loving my neighbor as Christ loved us, through acts of kindness, support, and service. This week, I will take concrete steps to help someone in need, contributing to a world where love drives out fear.

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